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Page updated on 04/05/2024


Socio-territorial challenges for water governance in semi-arid regions and in contexts of scarcity

DAY 1 - 04/15/2024 (MONDAY)

08h00 - 09h00  Registration and welcome coffee

09h00 - 10h30  School Opening 

  • Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins (President of FUNCEME/ UFC, Brazil)Iran Eduardo Lima Neto (Coordinator of the Postgraduate Course in Civil Engineering and Water Resources, UFC, Brazil)

  • Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho (Chief Scientist of Water Resources of the State of Ceará/ UFC, Brazil)

  • Marcel Kuper (CIRAD, Diretor G’EAU – Water Management, Actors end Territories)

  • Abdelfettah Sifeddine (IRD, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France/ Brazil)

  • Franco Salvadores (UNPSJB, INTA, Argentina, Co-responsible for the Summer School PREFALC)

  • Veronica Mitroi (CIRAD G’EAU, França, Summer School Coordinator PREFALC)

10h30-12h00 Inaugural class

  • Water Policy and Management in Latin America. Knowledge and substantive processes of democratization, José Esteban Castro (UFPE, Brazil/ Argentina) Virtual, Summary link

12h00-13h30  Lunch

13h30-16h30  Thematic session (I) - Challenges of water governance in contexts of climate and sociopolitical uncertainties

  • Water Governance, Water Security in Times of Climate Emergency, Pedro Roberto Jacobi (USP, Brazil) – 45 min, Virtual Link resumo

  • When the exception becomes the norm: managing water crises in France and Morocco, Pierre-Louis Mayaux (CIRAD, France) – 45 min, Virtual Link resumo

  • Climate change and droughts – Old lessons and new challenges for water management, Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins (FUNCEME, Brazil) – 45 min Link resumo


18h00-20h00 Opening cocktail at Aliança Francesa Fortaleza

  • Moment of coexistence around photo exhibitions: 1) “The water research process” with the participation of FUNCEME and 2) "Coexistence with drought" a narrative of research and personal journey in semi-arid territories of Tunisia and Brazil by Hela Gasmi.

DAY 2 - 04/16/2024 (TUESDAY)

8h30-12h00 Session Case studies (I) - Management models, water governance attempts to face crises


  • Water governance from the perspective of the commons: experiences in Brazil and France, Patrick Laigneau (Otinga/UERJ, France) - 35 min, Virtual Link resumo

  • Challenges and strategies for participatory and integrated water management in the Brazilian semi-arid region and Ceará, Rosana Garjulli Sales Costa (ComSenso, Brazil) - 35 min   Link resumo

 Discussion – 20 min

10h00 – 10h15 Coffee break


  • The social construction of the water market in Chile and its socio-environmental consequences, Chloé Nicolas-Atero (Politecnico di Milano, Italia/França) - 35 min Link resumo

  • Water governance in Argentina: from federal to provincial challenges, Franco Salvadores, (IGEOPAT-UNPSJB-INTA-CONICET, Argentina) - 35 min Link resumo

 Discussion – 20 min


12h-13h30 Lunch

13h30-15h30 Methodological session I

  • Conference and participatory activity to understand “the institutional messiness” in water governance, Luke Whaley (IRD, G’EAU, France) Link resumo


15h30-15h45 Coffee break


15h45-17h00 Collective work session I

  • Community approaches and participatory cartography in a context of water insecurity, Jader de Oliveira Santos (UFC, Brazil)  Link resumo

DAY 3 - 04/17/2024 (WEDNESDAY)

8h30-12h Thematic session (II) - Social practices and technologies for "water care" 

8h30-9h30 Thematic class

  • From water efficacy to water care. Paradoxes e unexpected results in the management of a scare resource, Marcel Kuper (CIRAD, G’EAU, France) Link resumo


9h30-9h45 Coffee Break

9h45-12h00 Case studies (II)

  • Social practices and technologies in response to climate change in semi-arid basins, Erica Colombani (INTA, Argentina) – 35 min Link resumo

  • Speculations about drought adaptation strategies in contexts of climate uncertainty in Ceará, Daniele Costa da Silva (UVA, Brazil) – 35 min         Link resumo

  • Water management and prevention of climate-sensitive diseases in cisterns in Northeast Brazil: a pilot study, Alexandre Cunha Costa (UNILAB, Brazil) – 35 min Link resumo

  • Water and its policies in the Brazilian semi-arid region: intertwining between health, care and gender, Marcela Rabello de Castro Centelhas (Colégio Pedro II, RJ, Brazil) – 35 min Link resumo


12h-13h30 Lunch


13h30-16h00 Thematic session (III) - On territorial approaches to water governance: uses, conflicts and tensions

13h30-14h30 Thematic class

  • Hydrosocial territories and institutional arrangements in water governance: contributions from Political Ecology, Vanessa Lucena Empinotti, (UFABC, Brazil)  Link resumo


14h30- 16h00 Case studies (III)

  • Approach and territorial tensions in water management in Argentina, Eduardo Cittadini (UNPSJB-INTA, Argentina) - 30 min Link resumo

  • Water resilience – a community and territorial approach. Crossed views between the Central Sertão and Tunisia, Hela Gasmi, (INRAe, France) - 30 min Link resumo


16h00-16h15 Coffee break


16h15-17h15 Methodological tools II

  • From ecological restoration to river commoning – A process to be supported by participatory methods. Exemples from interdisciplinary experiments in France, Christelle Gramaglia (INRAe, G’EAU, France) Link resumo


17h15-17h30 Information and preparation for the field class

Alexandre Cunha Costa (UNILAB, Brazil) and Jader de Oliveira Santos (UFC, Brazil)

DAY 4 - 04/18/2024 (THURSDAY)

Field class 

Alexandre Cunha Costa (UNILAB, Brazil), Jader de Oliveira Santos (UFC, Brazil) and Christelle Gramaglia (INRAe, G’EAU, France)

  • Historical and socio-geographical visit to the metropolitan region of Fortaleza to understand how water territories have been defined and (re)configured throughout history, based on existing sources, but also large and small water infrastructures. We will learn about the various types of water sources and infrastructure, more or less interconnected in physical and management terms: large dams, the worker's canal, cisterns, the Pacoti river, an aquifer. The objective of this visit is to understand the territorial dimension of supply in the metropolitan region, the diversity of situations and challenges, as well as the multiple social meanings of these various resources and waters. Subsequently, students will have to provide a brief analytical report (in whatever format they wish, using visual supports, for example) of the field visit.

DAY 5 - 04/19/2024 (FRIDAY)

08h30-12h00 Thematic session (IV) - Interdisciplinarity, participation and production of knowledge – how to contribute to the management and care of water?

08h30-09h45 Thematic class

  • The role of knowledge in water management policies and governance. Transdisciplinary practices and postures, Veronica Mitroi (CIRAD - G’EAU, France) Link resumo


09h45-10h00 Coffee Break

10h-12h Case studies

  • Participatory methodologies for a transdisciplinary approach to water issues, Juan Manuel Diez Tettamanti (IGEOPAT-UNPSJB-CONICET, Argentina) - 35min Link resumo

  • Multi-Agent Systems and Role Playing Games (RPG) as socio-hydrology tools to strengthen collaborative water management, Conceição de Maria Albuquerque Alves (UnB, Brazil) – 35 min Link resumo

  • Water scarcity in Chile: towards technical-social community governance, Consuelo Biskupovic (Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile) – 35 min Link resumo


12h-13h30 Almoço

13h30 – 15h00 Final lecture

  • The importance of epistemological diversity in the context of socio-environmental crises, Renzo Taddei (UNIFESP, Brasil) Link resumo


15h00 – 15h15 Coffee break

15h15-17h Next steps

  • Meeting to establish the REAL network (with the participation of researchers); It is

  • Collective work session II for in-person and listener students – Summary report to validate classes. 


17h-17h30 Closing and referrals


A partir de 19h30 Soirée informal 

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