Alexandre Cunha Costa
UNILAB, Brazil
Graduado em Engenharia Civil e Mestre em Engenharia Civil (Recursos Hídricos) pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Doutor em Ciências Naturais (Hidrologia) pela Universidade de Potsdam, Alemanha. Atualmente é Professor Adjunto do Instituto de Engenharias e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB), atuando nos cursos de graduação em Engenharia de Energias e de Computação e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Energia e Ambiente. Tem interesse nas seguintes temáticas: Hidrologia dos Trópicos, Desastres (Secas, Inundações e Deslizamentos de Terra) e Saúde Ambiental, participando do grupo de pesquisa Hidrologia e Sustentabilidade de Hidrossistemas da UNILAB e do Laboratório de Recursos Hídricos da UFC.

Chloé Nicolas-Artero
Instituto Politecnico di Milano, Itália
Legal Geography
Chloé Nicolas-Artero holds a Ph.D. in geography. She defended her doctoral thesis at the Centre de recherche et de documentation des Amériques (UMR 7227) de l’Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle. Since 2016, she has taught geography at various universities. In 2021, she began a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center for Climate and Resilience Research in Santiago, Chile. Since 2023, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Her research focuses on the social construction of water shortages and their effects in semiarid regions. In 2024, she published the book, S’approprier l’eau. Droits, espaces et pouvoirs au Chili with the Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Christelle Gramaglia
INRAe G'Eau, France
Christelle Gramaglia is head of research in sociology at INRAE's UMR G-EAU in Montpellier (France). She has been working on industrial and mining pollution for many years. Her book "Habiter la pollution industrielle. Expériences et métrologies citoyennes de la contamination" was published by Presses des Mines in 2023. In it, she compares several cases of pollution in France, Spain and Portugal, highlighting the benefits of participatory science for better management of environmental and health risks. Since 2020, she has also been working on river restoration, developing original methodologies to involve local residents in technical choices, but also to encourage the weaving of new relationships of care for aquatic environments.

Conceição de Maria Albuquerque Alves
UnB, Brazil
Conceição Alves is a professor in the Civil and Environment Engineering Department of the University of Brasilia. She got her PhD in Water Resources System from Cornell University, Ithaca-USA and her MSc from the São Carlos Engineering School of the University of São Paulo (USP) and her undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Her research interest focuses on decision making under deep uncertainty (DMDU) technics for water resources systems, the application of Multiagent Systems and Serios Games for shared-vision modeling in river basins and Nature based Solutions (NbS) for stormwater management in urban environments. Some of her research involved study cases in the Formoso River Basin (TO), in the Federal District of Brazil water supply systems, in the Samambia river basin and other watershed in the Cerrado biome.

Consuelo Biskupovic
Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile
Poseo una formación pluridisciplinar en Ciencias Sociales. Después de una licenciatura en Antropología en la Université de París X, Nanterre, realicé un magíster en Ciencias Sociales en el 2007, mención Sociología. Posteriormente me doctoré en Ciencias Sociales en el 2015 en el École des Hautes en Sciences Sociales de París, en cotutela con la Universidad de Chile. Me he especializado en metodologías cualitativas y temáticas ambientales. He realizado diversos trabajos de campo abordando controversias en ambientes degradados en zonas de plantaciones forestales en el centro y sur de Chile; en zonas costeras, trabajando con recolectoras y pescadores artesanales en el sur; en el norte con comunidades agrícolas; y en la región metropolitana con activistas y defensores ambientales. Mi trayectoria se ha focalizado en las relaciones entre naturaleza y sociedad y la participación de la ciudadanía en temáticas ambientales. Investigo cómo las organizaciones sociales enfrentan el Antropoceno a partir del activismo y de una experticia intermedia, entre la ciencia y la política pública. Más específicamente, mi agenda de investigación se centra en cómo las personas asumen responsabilidades y crean prácticas de cuidado en ambientes frágiles, dañados, contaminados y cambiantes. Actualmente, estudio estas prácticas de cuidados en la pequeña agricultura, el activismo ambiental y climático, y ecofeminismo. Soy investigadora adjunta en el Centro de Investigación, Innovación y Creación, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Católica de Temuco.

Daniele Costa da Silva
Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA), Brazil
Doutora em Sociologia (Universidade Federal do Ceará), Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (Rede Prodema - Universidade Federal do Ceará), Bacharel em Ciências Sociais (Universidade Estadual do Ceará). Professora adjunta do curso de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú, na qual coordena o Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre Águas, Políticas e Conflitos no Semiárido Nordestino (Nascentes). Desenvolve estudos e pesquisas sobre a problemática social da água no semiárido, com foco no planejamento, adaptação e impacto de secas nos territórios, conflitos sociais relativos à água, políticas públicas de água, participação e envolvimento social nos processos de decisão sobre os usos da água. É membro do Grupo de Gerenciamento do Risco Climático para a Sustentabilidade Hídrica e do Centro Estratégico de Excelência em Políticas de Águas e Secas (ambos vinculados à Universidade Federal do Ceará).

Eduardo Cittadini
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco-INTA, Argentina
Geografia Social
Profesor y Licenciado en Geografía (UBA), Especialista en “Integración y Políticas Agropecuarias en el Mercosur” (UNLam, Argentina-Universidad de la República, Uruguay y Universidad Federal de Santa María, Brasil), Posgrado en “Desarrollo Local en Áreas Metropolitanas” (UNGS), Master en Estudios Sociales Agrarios (FLACSO-Argentina) y Doctor en Geografía (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España). Se desempeña como investigador adjunto del CONICET con sede en el Instituto del Conurbano de la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento, donde se desempeña como Coordinador de Investigación del Área de Ecología, y como profesor adjunto regular del Departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Luján. Investigador de trayectoria en las temáticas de agricultura periurbana, ordenamiento territorial del borde periurbano y abasto alimentario. Ha realizado publicaciones (artículos, libros y partes de libros) y presentaciones a congresos en su especialidad, así como ha dirigido diversos proyectos de investigación en la temática. Ha dictado conferencias en instituciones como Cámara de Diputados de la Nación, Senado de la Nación, Cancillería, Centro Cultural de la Ciencia (MinCyT-Embajada de Francia), IICA, SENASA, INTA, Agencia de Desarrollo Económico en Córdoba y en distintas universidades de gestión pública y privada del país, donde también ha dictado cursos de maestría y doctorado.

Eduardo Sávio Passos Rodrigues Martins
Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos/ UFC, Brasil
Doutor pela School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - Cornell University em 2001. Atualmente é Presidente da Fundação Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos Hídricos, Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Ceará, sendo membro da Pós-graduação em Recursos Hídricos desta universidade. A sua pesquisa tem focado no uso da informação de clima na alocação de água e planejamento do setor de recursos hídricos, seja no escopo de estudos de variabilidade climática ou de mudanças climáticas. Outros esforços em pesquisa abordam a calibração e análise de incerteza na modelagem hidrológica, análise de frequência local e regional, simulação/otimização de sistemas de recursos hídricos e uso da previsão de afluências neste contexto.

Erica Colombani
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria
(INTA), Argentina
Social Geography
Magister. Ingeniera Agronoma (Técnica en investigación) en Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria. Coordinadora de Proyecto Local INTA: Implementación de Herramientas de prevención y Alerta Temprana de Incendio de Pastizales en el Noreste de la Provincia del Chubut. Grupo de Gestión en Proyecto Estructural Nacional: Prevención y evaluación de la Emergencia y Desastre Agropecuario. Grupo de Gestión en Proyecto Disciplinario Nacional: Riesgos climáticos, impactos, vulnerabilidad y adaptación. Coordinadora convenio en Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Incendio de Pastizales naturales en el noreste de la provincia del Chubut.

Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brasil
Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Ceará (1990), Master's degree in Hydraulic and Sanitation Engineering from the São Carlos School of Engineering of the University of São Paulo (1995) and PhD in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (2006) . He is currently a professor in the Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering department at the Federal University of Ceará (2008-current). He is a member of the CNPq Engineering and Environmental Sciences Advisory Committee, the FUNCAP Advisory Committee and serves as a project analyst for several State Research Support Foundations. He coordinates the UFC’s “Climate Risk Management for Water Sustainability” Research Group. He is a Research Associate at the Columbia Water Center at Columbia University in New York (2006-present). He carries out research in the area of Water Resources, with an emphasis on the following topics: water allocation, economics and planning of water resources, climate and water resources, reservoir operation and water quality.

Franco Salvadores
Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB)/ INTA, Argentina
Social Geography
Geógrafo - Profesor Adjunto UNPSJB - Doctorando CONICET - INTA - UNLP. De formación multidisciplinar, me intereso por el desarrollo de los territorios y la preservación de los recursos naturales. Me motivan los abordajes complejos que vinculan lo local a lo global e integran las ciencias sociales y naturales. Me he desempeñado como funcionario y consultor en diferentes países. Hoy hago una investigación doctoral sobre el agua en la Patagonia y enseño sobre geografía del mundo en la universidad

Hela Gasmi
INRAe G'Eau, France
Hela Gasmi holds a PhD in water science from the Federal University of Fortaleza, Ceará (UFC) and at the Agricultural University of Montpellier. The topic of her PhD was to develop a participatory approach to identify and analyse water resilience with local communities at different scales and to co-design RWSS to improve community water resilience. During her Master’s in Sustainable Management of Water Resources (2018), in Tunisia, she collaborated with the French laboratory UMR G-EAU, Water Management, Actors, Uses, where she was initiated to multidisciplinary research working in the development of a digital tool for sustainability assessment at the farm level applied to farms in Tunisia. She also holds an engineering degree in Hydraulic and rural development from the National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia (2013-2017).

Iran Eduardo Lima Neto
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brasil
He has a degree in Civil Engineering from UFC, a master's degree in Hydraulics and Sanitation from EESC/USP, a PhD in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Alberta, Canada, and a post-doctorate in Environmental Fluid Mechanics from the University of Cambridge, England. As an engineer and project manager he prepared/coordinated several plans and projects in the areas of Water Resources and Environmental Sanitation. He is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering - DEHA at UFC, Coordinator of the Water Resources Laboratory - LRH and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering: Water Resources, Environmental Sanitation and Geotechnics - POSDEHA, having held the positions Coordinator of the Civil Engineering Course and Head of Department. He works mainly in the following areas: Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrology and Water Quality Modeling. He is leader of the CNPq-Environmental Fluid Mechanics Research Group.

Jader de Oliveira Santos
Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Brasil
Planejamento Ambiental e Ordenamento Territorial
Professor Associado do Departamento de Geografia da Universidade Federal do Ceará, onde é Vice-coordenador do Programa de Pós-graduação em Geografia e professor do Mestrado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (UFC). Doutor em Geografia (Geografia Física) pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), mestre em Geografia pela UECE e Graduado pela UFC. Foi professor visitante sênior na Universidade na Cabo Verde - UNICV através do Programa Pró-Mobilidade Internacional CAPES/AULP, onde foi atuou como prof colaborador do Mestrado em Ambiente e Desenvolvimento da UNICV. Integrante da Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research Coordination Network (RCN), desenvolvendo pesquisas sobre insegurança hídrica domiciliar e acesso à água. Integra o núcleo Fortaleza do Observatório das Metrópoles promovendo pesquisas relacionadas à fragilidade ambiental urbana e aos riscos socioambientais. Representante titular da UFC no Conselho Estadual de Meio Ambiente (COEMA). Têm experiência em análise da fragilidade ambiental, planejamento ambiental e ordenamento territorial com o uso de tecnologias da geoinformação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: análise ambiental integrada, fragilidade ambiental urbana, riscos socioambientais, zoneamento ecológico-econômico, geoprocessamento na análise ambiental.

José Esteban Castro
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Brasil
Sociology e Ecologia Política
He has a degree (Licenciatura and Professorship) in Sociology - Universidad de Buenos Aires (1983-1988) and studied Psychology at the same university (1984-1990), Master's degree in Social Sciences - Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO Mexico Headquarters (1990- 1992) and a PhD in Political Science - University of Oxford (1993-1998). From his initial training in Sociology he developed an interdisciplinary approach, with contributions in Human Geography, Political Science, History, Development, Public Policies, Management, in close collaboration with colleagues from technical-administrative and physical-natural disciplines (including civil engineering, hydrology, biology, ecology, health, etc.), particularly in the interdisciplinary field of Political Ecology. He is currently Professor Emeritus in Sociology, Newcastle University, United Kingdom and affiliated with the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), at the same University. He is a Researcher at the Institute of Latin American Studies (IELAT), University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares Spain. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Sociology (PPGS), Postgraduate Program in Urban Development (MDU) and Center for Advanced Studies (CEA), Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil.

Juan Manuel Diez Tetamanti
IGEOPAT-Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB)/CONICET, Argentina
Social Geography
PhD in Geography from the Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Director of the Institute of Geographical Investigations of Patagonia (IGEOPAT). Deputy researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET). Professor of Territorial Planning at the National University of Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB), Comodoro Rivadavia headquarters.

Luke Whaley
IRD G'EAU, França
Sociology and Critical Geography
Luke’s research engages critically with human-environment relations in the context of global development. He is particularly interested in the politics and governance of water: the policies, power relations and systems of meaning that inform and legitimise multi-level water governance arrangements, often resulting in unjust and unsustainable outcomes. His research draws upon theory and method from sociology, anthropology, geography, and political science. He has also employed participatory arts-based and digital methods, and has worked closely with colleagues from the physical and earth sciences. To date, his primary regional experience lies in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe), alongside research in India, Italy and the UK (for his PhD).

Marcel Kuper
Water Governance and Sociology
Marcel Kuper (PhD, HDR) is a senior scientist in water governance at Cirad and currently director of the G-Eau research unit. He is interested in the actors, institutions and infrastructure of irrigation systems and waterscapes. He studies the contemporary dynamics of large-scale irrigation schemes, community-managed irrigation systems and private irrigation, in particular in North and West Africa, South Asia, and South America.

Marcela Rabello de Castro Centelhas
Colégio Pedro II Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sociology and Social Anthropology
PhD and master in Social Anthropology from PPGAS/Museu Nacional/UFRJ. Bachelor in Social Sciences from UFRJ, with a degree in Sociology. She is currently a tenured professor of Sociology at Colégio Pedro II, RJ. She has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Anthropology of Politics, and is interested in the following topics: social movements, politics and rituals; public policies and social participation; peasantry, family, gender and water.

Patrick Alain Laigneau
Consultor Otinga, Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro( UERJ), Brazil
Water Governance and Social Anthropology
Consultor e pesquisador em gestão compartilhada das águas, baseado na França desde 2020. Possui graduação em Engenharia de Recursos Hídricos - Ecole Nationale Supérieure d?Hydraulique et de Mécanique de Grenoble (1995). De 1995 a 2000, foi funcionário da Agence de lEau Rhône Méditerranée Corse (França). Possui mestrado em Antropologia Social pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2006). Possui doutorado em Antropologia Social pela mesma universidade e doutorado em Ciências Ambientais pelo instituto AgroParisTech (França), com tese sobre o tema Tristes Águas Francesas: Olhar a história das Agências e Comitês de Bacia na França desde os trópicos (2014). É membro do Grupo de pesquisa UERJ: Água, Gestão e Segurança Hídrica em tempos de Mudanças Ambientais Globais.

Pedro Roberto Jacobi
Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Brazil
Environmental Governance and Sociology
Graduado em Economia e Ciências Sociais pela USP. Mestre em Planejamento Urbano pela Graduate School of Design - Harvard University. Doutorado em Sociologia pela Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente Professor Titular Sênior do Instituto de Energia e Ambiente da USP Pesquisador. Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisas de Governança Ambiental- GovAmb do Instituto de Energia e Ambiente. Coordenador de Grupo de Estudos – Meio Ambiente e Sociedade- do Instituto de Estudos Avançados- IEA-Universidade de São Paulo. Membro do Programa Cidades Globais do IEA/USP. Editor da revista Ambiente e Sociedade. Presidente do Conselho América do Sul do ICLEI- Governos Locais pela Sustentabilidade.

Pierre-Louis Mayaux
Public Policy Analysis
Pierre-Louis Mayaux has been a researcher in Political Science at CIRAD since 2013, in the G-EAU research unit. He holds a doctorate from the Paris Institute of Political Studies (2012). He was a visiting researcher at Mohammed VI-Polytechnique University in Rabat, Morocco (2014-2019). His research focuses on the comparative analysis of public water policies in North Africa, France and South America. He is particularly interested in the way in which these policies seek to build or strengthen the social bases of rulers and how they manage conflicts . He is the author of Les politiques de l'eau, LGDJ-Clefs/politique (2019) (with S. Barone). He recently coordinated an issue of Water Alternatives magazine on Unconventional Waters (Unconventional Waters: A Critical Understanding of Desalination and Wastewater Reuse).

Renzo Romano Taddei
Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brasil
Sociology and Social Anthropology
Renzo Taddei teaches Anthropology and Science and Technology Studies at the Federal University of São Paulo. He is leader of one of the research groups at the National Institute of Science and Technology for Climate Change in Brazil and is a member of the permanent committee on climate services at the World Meteorological Organization. Dr. Taddei has been a visiting professor at Yale University, Duke University and the University of the Republic in Uruguay. Between 2005 and 2014, he was a research associate and later principal investigator at the Center for Research in Environmental Decisions (CRED) at Columbia University. Before becoming an anthropologist, he graduated in Production Engineering (1995) and received a master's degree in Education (2000) from the University of São Paulo. He received his Ph.D. in Anthropology from Columbia University in 2005. As an anthropologist, he has carried out fieldwork in Brazil, Uruguay, Burkina Faso and the USA on the interface between scientific knowledge and traditional and indigenous environmental knowledge, with a focus on water and climate. In 2017 he published Meteorologists and Rain Prophets: Knowledge, Practices and Politics of the Atmosphere (edited Third Nome). He is one of the organizers of two published books: After Que a Chuva Não Veio (CIFAS / Funceme, 2010) and The Anthropocene: on ways of composing worlds (Fino Traço, 2022). His work has appeared in journals such as American Anthropologist, Nature Climate Change, Weather Climate and Society, Climate Change, Climate Services, Environmental Science and Policy, Energy Research and Social Science, Latin American Research Review, and Social Semiotics.

Rosana Garjulli Sales Costa
ComSenso, Brasil
Sociologist, Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará. Senior consultant in the areas of planning and participatory management of public policies, providing services to different national and international institutions and organizations. She worked on structuring the Ceará Water Resources Management Company – Cogerh and the National Water and Sanitation Agency – ANA. She coordinated processes of installation and support for the functioning of State Hydrographic Basin Committees and on rivers under the Union's control and in the strengthening of state water resources bodies. She is part of the Water Governance Observatory-OGA. She is a partner at COM SENSO Capacitação Estudos e Gestão Ltda. Since 2008, she has advised the Council for Advanced Studies and Strategic Affairs of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará. Technical coordination of the Water Pact, Pact for Coexistence with the Semi-Arid, Pact for Life, Pact for Pecém and Pact for Basic Sanitation in Ceará.

Vanessa Lucena Empinotti
Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Brasil
Critical Geography and Territorial Planning
Vanessa Lucena Empinotti – Engenheira agrônoma graduada pela UFPR, mestre em Ciência dos Solos pela UFRGS e doutora em Geografia, com especialização em Desenvolvimento Sustentável pela University of Colorado – Boulder - EUA. Professora adjunta do Centro de Engenharia, Modelagem e Ciências Sociais Aplicadas e do Programa de Pós Graduação em Planejamento e Gestão do Território na UFABC. Pesquisadora do laboratório LabJuta – Laboratório de Justiça Territorial e coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa eco.t – Ecologia Política, Território e Planejamento. Sua pesquisa se concentra nas áreas de governança socioambiental, com foco em insegurança hídrica, gênero, relações entre o rural e o urbano e planejamento territorial a partir da perspectiva da Ecologia Política.

Veronica Mitroi
Veronica is a researcher in environmental sociology, specialized in the study of the relationships between human societies and aquatic ecosystems. Her research work focuses on the role of various knowledge (expert and local) in the water governance processes and in the water care practices. Before joining CIRAD in 2021, she worked in research projects at the interface between sociology and ecology on the water resources protection in Europe (France and Romania) and in Sub-Saharan Africa (Ivory Coast and Senegal). She has also participated and led the organization of participatory monitoring of water quality in these countries. In the Brazilian Northeast, she works on water scarcity as a social multi-scale constructed concept, shaped by climatic phenomena, but also by public policies, infrastructures and social practices. She is interested in the co-construction of water indicators through participatory methods able to bring together hydrological, ecological and sociological data, in order to develop critical thinking about water governance practices and collectively define new ways of caring about water.